My newest book Mountains of True Peace is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, KOBO and Apple in eBook format. It can be purchase in paperback on Amazon currently. Coming in January, I will have books for sale myself at a reduce rate and will sign them for anyone wanting to purchase directly from me. I am hoping to get a hardcover version in the new year as well, but that is a ways down the road.

This book shares about the journey I had in Guatemala some 40 years ago. I was right out of college and wanted to explore the world. Through my good friend Randall Loucks, I was able to learn about Mennonite Central Committee and all the wonderful work they do around the world. I applied to be a volunteer. Randall and I ended up being asked to work together in Guatemala. I finally have gotten around to writing about the experience with great help from my mother and sister, who saved all my letters over the three years I was in Guatemala. My mother filled a five-inch binder with my letters, putting them in plastic sleeves and placing them in chronological order. I hadn’t read those letters in all this time until COVID hit and I pulled them out along with my journals. They provided me with many memories of wonderful and trying times. They gave me a map for sharing about the experience.
This book covers basically the first nine months in Guatemala. There are lots more adventures and crazy experiences to share. Now on to writing the next book and chapters of this wonderful and difficult time in my life, one that I would never trade for anything.
Hopefully you will enjoy and learn a little about the beautiful land I was able to live in and the loving people with such great hearts.
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