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Lynn Keller

Grandpa Keller taught himself to play the violin when he was in his 80s. His great grand nieces Sharon and Sheila Brennan played violin with him on several occasions. He lived to be 100 years old and a remarkable man. He loved Emma and his family. He was a very quiet, hard-working, humble, brilliant man.

Alfred and Celestia KellerLynn’s parents Alfred and Celestia Keller

Alfred and Celestia Keller family

The Alfred and Celestia Keller Family

Front Row, left to right: Ray, Alta, Lillie, Alfred, Lindsay, Levi, Celestia, Mary

Back row: John, Ella

Levi and LynnLevi and Lynn

Lynn and twin Lilly Lynn and twin sister LillieLYnn and Emma Keller wedding (2)Lynn and Emma on wedding day.


Grandma and Grandpa Keller grain sorgum in handEmma and Lynn on the farm. Lynn is holding grain sorghum.

Lynn Emma and baby Philip 1920 (Willows maybe) (2)Emma and Lynn with new baby Philip

Grandpa and baby PhilLynn and Phil

Lynn and Phil with tractorLynne in the field with his helper Phil

Grandpa Keller John Vernon Phil (2)Phil, Lynn and John Vernon

Kellers and four kids (2)Lynn, Phil, Wanda, John Vernon, Emma, NaomiGrandpa post card with calvesLynn with his livestock. This was on a post card he sent his sister. Grandpa and mother with fishNaomi, Lynn, John Vernon, Phil, Wanda

Lynn and kidsWanda, Lynn, Naomi, Phil, John Vernon, Geneva

Kellers and doll pic Cat and mouseJohn Vernon, Bonnie, Everett, Naomi, Lynn, Wanda, Leroy

Keller familyNaomi, Lynn, Wanda, Geneva, John Vernon, Emma, Phil

Grandma and Grandpa KellerEmma and Lynn

Lynn and Emma 50th (2) 50th Wedding Anniversary

Keller kids with grandpaGeneva, John Vernon, Naomi, Phil, Lynn, Wanda

Scan4098 (2)Lynn with Naomi and her children and grandchildren Grandpa and gorillaLynn and gorilla at Keller reunion Grandpa violin and Brennan TwinsLynn with niece Christine Bowers and great nieces Sharon and Sheila Brennan Grandpa and tulips at Rossville house Tulips in front of his house in RossvilleGrandpa on porch at RossvilleClimbed up on roof at 90+ years to fix roof. Uncle Hugh was not amused.  Grandpa Keller playing violin shared by Brennan twins Lynn playing violin at his home with Brennan twins and their Grandpa Bower   Grandpa UNO Phil, Jane, EugeneEugene, KelLee, Lynn, Phil and Jane playing Uno at Christmas at the farm. You had to watch him cause he would try to slip a card past us and grin knowing full well he played the wrong card. It was Eugene that would usually correct him, we weren’t bold enough to correct Grandpa.  🙂 Grandpa Keller 100 bday Lynn’s 100th birthday party Dec. 19, 1991.Grandap in tie

4 thoughts on “Lynn Keller”

  1. Marilyn Brennan Mott

    I was using Google to find Grandma Christina Bowers’s obituary. It’s her birthday today, and I was looking for her obituary. This blog is what I found! I am fascinated and delighted by these pictures and memories! Thanks KelLee!

    Marilyn Mott

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